My name is Jasmina and I am your architect, construction manager, feng shui/ holistic consultant.Registered architect in The Netherlands Member of the National Council of Architect in Italy VOL- VCA ( read about me on TU Delta)
Graduated at the department of Architectural Technology in Rome, I have proven experience in the construction sector in The Netherlands. I have a background as Senior architect in Ireland and entrepreneur in The Netherlands. My Irish experience exposed me to complexity and Dutch experience, to resilience and communication. Double migration and mixed roots taught me openess, adaptation and acceptance of other people`s background. As a mature woman I learnt that gender gap in construstion industry still needs to be narrowed, however it is not an utopia.
In The Netherlands, due to the relocation, life challenges to redefine myself in a new environment within the global economical crisis(2008), I had the opportunity to improve my communication and team player skills and last but not least, Feng Shui, maybe Taoism is more appropriate which became more an attitude toward life rather than a commercial service. In the last years here in The Netherlands the focus has been in Dutch construction sites and it suits my personality. in 2016 I started to work for a German/ Italian General Contractor and up today I delivered 13 projects as site/construction Manager around The Netherlands.
Currently I am Guest Teacher at the TU Delft but for two years I also have been a Guest Teacher, as a volunteer, at a weekend school, for socially disadvantaged teenagers, in Den Haag. Beside theory, I took them to a construction sites to let them experience the theory and raise up their ambition. At TU Delft during tuition periods I'm in charge of Building Technology, so I support students in integrating building technology to their architectural projects. Building technology and"material cycles" uptoday has been the main focus.
Through my personal development with Taoism and Feng Shui I developed my own way to observe, evaluate people's behaviour to the point I supported in the past a company that specialises in leadership to face the bottom line of the most known French oil company. I have the awareness, sensibility and maturity to stay curious and seek continuous professional development .
I enjoy to get engaged with environments that keep alive my curiosity towards a sustainable life and a sustainable living.
Circularity is the western and current way to re establish natural cycles. widely described by old masters.